SFC Winter 2021
Details with links to register
will be posted soon.
SFC Fall 2020
September 14th - December 13th
Please Note
Select which program you want to register for by clicking on the program above. ⤴
To sign up for any program, click the "Register" button for that program (below).
This will take you to SFC's Program Registration page.
Once on SFC's Program Registration page, click the "Register" button at the top of the page first thing to activate any available program selection options.
If you are already a SFC Member, the system will prompt you to sign in to your account first before you can register for any programs.
If you are not already a member, the system will guide you to register as a member before you are able to register for specific programs.

This program is designed for players with advanced
skill-sets and/or a high level of dedication to their basketball training. Players in this program will have
up to 5 days of training per week that will include
in-person and online training.
Elite Training Specifics
Three In-Person Training Sessions
Two Online Training Sessions
Weekly Mindfulness Check-Ins
One Strength and Conditioning Session
Tuesday - Thursday, Saturday and Sunday
Approx. 23 Hours of Training/Month ($20/Hr)
Elite Fee Per Monthly Session - $450
Elite Season Pass - $900
3 Months for Price of 2!
(days tentative and subject to change)

SFC Competitive Training

Session 1
Registration Closed
Session 2
Mid-October to Mid-November
Session 3
Mid-November to Mid-December
This program is designed for players who are
at the intermediate to almost advanced skill-set level and/or have a passion for basketball but
may have conflicts due to other interests.
Players in this program will have up to 4 days
of training per week that will include in-person and online training.
Competitive Training Specifics
Two In-Person Training Sessions
Two Online Training Sessions
One Mindfulness Check-In
One Strength and Conditioning Session
Monday, Tuesday (or Thurs), Wednesday, Saturday
Approx. 18 Hours of Training/Month ($22/Hr)
Competitive Fee Per Monthly Session - $400
Competitive Season Pass - $800
3 Months for Price of 2!
(days tentative and subject to change)

SFC Recreation Training
This program is designed for players who like
to have fun with basketball and enjoy training
with friends. This is for players who might be tier level 3 players and/or have a reduced commitment to basketball. Players in this program will have up to 3 days of training per week.
Recreation Training
One In-Person Training Session
Two Online Training Sessions
One Strength and Conditioning Session
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Approx. 12 Hours of Training/Month ($23/Hr)
Recreation Fee per Monthly Session - $275
Recreation Season Pass - $700
3 Months for the Price of 2!
(days tentative and subject to change)

Registration for the
Fall 2020 Season is over.

Session 1
Registration Closed
Session 2
Mid-October to Mid-November
Session 3
Mid-November to Mid-December
High School Junior Varsity
This program is designed for high school junior varsity hopefuls (9th/10th graders) who want high caliber training to prepare them for their upcoming season. Led by our elite staff of coaches, this program will focus on creating go-to moves, understanding pace, and understanding the nuances of the game. Players in this program will have up to 5 days of training per week that will include in-person and online training.
JV Training Specifics
Four In-Person Training Sessions
Mindfulness Training/Check-In
Weekly 3x3 Champions League
Approx. 21 Hours of Training/Month ($19/Hr)
Junior Varsity Fee per Monthly Session - $400
Junior Varsity Season Pass - $800
3 Months for Price of 2!
(days tentative and subject to change)

High School Varsity
This program is designed for high school
varsity athletes who want high caliber training
to prepare them for their upcoming season.
This program, led by our best coaches, will focus on creating/enhancing go-to moves, mastering pace, and understanding the nuances of the game. Players in this program will have up to 5 days of training per week.
Varsity Training
Four In-Person Training Sessions
One Mindfulness Training/Check-In
Weekly 3x3 Champions League
Approx. 21 Hours of Training/Month ($19/Hr)
Varsity Fee per Monthly Session - $400
Varsity Season Pass - $800
3 Months for Price of 2!
Elite Coaches Include
Coaches Kareem Guilbeaux
Skills Director Fale Malepeai
Skills Coach Trevor Dunbar
(days tentative and subject to change)

Session 1
Registration Closed
Session 2
Mid-October to Mid-November
Session 3
Mid-November to Mid-December

Champions League 3 on 3

Players are automatically entered based on entry into training program
Each “league” is the same duration as the camp sessions (think of it as
the Champions’ version of the NBA Bubble) -
3 on 3 accentuates player involvement as there are less players on the court
It emphasizes player spacing
Teaches players the breakdowns of the game that makes players elite: on-ball screen and roll action, off-ball screening, drive and kick actions, post play, etc
Based on training pods of 12 - 16 players
3 on 3 games will occur on Saturdays and/or Sundays for Elite, Competitive, and HS pools
Teams will play two games each week
Games will last 12 min with 5 min warm-up time
OT will last 2 min or first to 3 pts
Pods will switch every month
Games will be live-streamed for parent viewership